We’re in the middle of a heatwave, and you’d be forgiven for thinking I had lost the plot as it may sound like a weird combination, but honestly you have to try it before you judge. I also think the secret is the perfect pairing is with the use of Alpro Soya Vanilla drink. Completely unendorsed, I fell in love with this product many moons ago whilst at university studying for my undergraduate nutrition degree and stumbled upon this. The combination of flavours which worked so well it became my signature drink of choice. Perfect as both breakfast on the go, or as a mid-morning snack along side a coffee pick me up when packaged away in a thermos flask to keep it nicely chilled.
It’s the perfect smoothie for a heatwave where you would love a coffee but don’t want a hot drink. Also great for preventing any banana wastage as once they start turning spotty brown simply peel and freeze in chunks ready to make this drink.
Each serving provides you with:
- 1 of you 5 a day
- 35% of your daily calcium requirements
- 18% of your potassium requirements
- Source of fluids for hydration
Serves 1
- 1 banana, frozen overnight
- 50ml coffee of choice
- 200ml Alpro Soya Vanilla drink
- Place all of the ingredients in a high-speed blender till smooth.
- Pour into a glass, or into a thermos flask to save for later.