Light Bites & Snacks Main Meals Recipes

Tomato and Goats Cheese Galette

This recipe is for anyone who is clinging to these last few warm days of summer. It’s the end of my tomato growing season, my courgette plants are on the brink of shutting down, and the nights are slowly drawing in. So here’s a comforting summer-style galette making the most of those wonderful tomatoes. Other veg that would work well …

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Light Bites & Snacks Main Meals Recipes

Spinach and Cottage Cheese Quiche

This is my brother’s favourite quiche. Full of delicious spinach, and a surprise ingredient, cottage cheese. I’ve added a few extra ingredients to the traditional recipe we originally used, this is to add a little extra fibre diversity, but also gives a little more depth of flavour. The surprising use of cottage cheese in this dish means that some of …

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