Light Bites & Snacks Sides

Sheep’s Cheese and Wild Garlic Scones

Seasonal savoury scones. If you can’t get wild garlic, or it’s our of season, substitute with chives, spring onions, or spinach with a small clove of grated garlic. Don’t like sheep’s cheese? Whatever cheese you like would be suitable as long as it is medium-hard e.g. Gruyere, Manchego, Cheddar, Wensleydale, Goat’s etc Makes 9 scones Ingredients 125g plain wholemeal flour …

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Educational Hub Light Bites & Snacks Main Meals Recipes Sides

Wild Garlic Pesto

Could wild garlic be a low FODMAP alternative to garlic? A 2019 paper investigated the fructan content of wild garlic and other herbs commonly used in Bulgaria. From their analysis, the authors found that the total fructans (FODMAPs) were lower in wild garlic in comparison to chives (2.2g vs 5.7g per 100g dried weight). Interestingly, people following low FODMAP diets …

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