Category: Educational Hub
Educational Hub
For those of you who are looking to eat more sustainably, but don’t know where to start, here are a few of the principles that I try to follow in order to eat more sustainably without impacting on my nutritional health. Here are some of my favourite sustainable recipes Roasted Harissa Cauliflower and Chickpea Traybake with Herbed Spelt uses all …
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Educational Hub
If I was to ask you which is the best thing to eat to help with regular bowel movements, or to help relieve constipation, most of you would probably answer with prunes. They’re a classic home remedy for helping to keep you regular thanks to their high level of sorbitol. Sorbitol is a type of dietary fibre which is able …
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Educational Hub
For those who are trying Veganuary for the first time, or for those who have been vegan for a while now, there are specific nutrients that can be lacking in a vegan diet if not carefully planned. Here I outline a few of the key nutrients commonly found to be lower in those consuming a fully plant-based diet. Calcium For …
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Educational Hub
As we enter the Autumn and Winter months of the year, we lose our natural ability to make vitamin D from skin exposure to sunlight. We therefore should be looking at alternative ways to maintain our vitamin D status through our diets. I have previously written about the importance of supplementation during winter months, but there are alternative sources to …
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Educational Hub
Hydration is an important factor of health, with over half of our bodies being made up of water. Staying hydrated is key for maintaining essential bodily functions, but what counts towards our fluid intake? Water Water obviously counts towards your fluid intake, but so do sparkling waters and flavoured waters. Watch out for those which have added sugars, and be …
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Educational Hub Light Bites & Snacks Main Meals Recipes Sides
Could wild garlic be a low FODMAP alternative to garlic? A 2019 paper investigated the fructan content of wild garlic and other herbs commonly used in Bulgaria. From their analysis, the authors found that the total fructans (FODMAPs) were lower in wild garlic in comparison to chives (2.2g vs 5.7g per 100g dried weight). Interestingly, people following low FODMAP diets …
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Educational Hub Main Meals Recipes
Getting oily fish in can be a challenge, and during lockdown I find it harder to get fresh fish weekly so I’ve been eating more smoked fish due to the increased shelf life. While I don’t plan on carrying this on beyond lockdown, and rather used smoked fish as a treat rather than a source of omega-3 fatty acids, for …
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Educational Hub
Do I need to take vitmain D supplements? In the UK, the recommendation to to supplement the diet with vitamin D during the months of October through to March, or if you are unable to go outside during daylight hours in the Spring and Summer months. This is because the main source of vitamin D is not from the diet, …
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Educational Hub
Perhaps an important question given the current circumstances. In short, no. The immune system is a very complex topic, with many different defence mechanisms. In order to support a normal functioning immune system, we should already be having a healthy and varied diet encompassing a wide variety of foods. We should be including fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, healthy fats and lean …
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