What if I said this hot chocolate was good for you in that it contains no added sugar, it has a portion of fruit helping you to achieve 1 of your 5-a-day, contains over 20% of your daily fibre recommendations, and is easily vegan making it perfect for Veganuary? Serves 4 Ingredient Method Per serving*: 212kcal/ 6.8g fat/ 2.2g saturated …
Drinks Light Bites & Snacks Recipes
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Coffee, Banana and Vanilla Smoothie
We’re in the middle of a heatwave, and you’d be forgiven for thinking I had lost the plot as it may sound like a weird combination, but honestly you have to try it before you judge. I also think the secret is the perfect pairing is with the use of Alpro Soya Vanilla drink. Completely unendorsed, I fell in love …
Drinks Recipes
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Nectarine Iced Tea
This is one of my favourite hot summer’s day drinks to help keep me cool. I absolutely love my tea, and no heatwave is going to get in the way of me enjoying my cuppa! I’ve swapped out the milk in favour of fruits and a little honey – you can really make this your own by adding as little …