Light Bites & Snacks Recipes

Crispy Butternbeans with Green Tahini Sauce

Beans are an excellent source of nutrition including: For further reading on this topic visit MyNutriWeb to read my latest blog. Serves 4 as an appetiser or 2 as a salad or sandwich Ingredients Method Per serving: 449kcal/ 28g fat/ 3.7g saturated fat/ 23g carbohydrates/ 18g fibre/ 17g protein This can also be served as a salad by mixing everything …

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Main Meals Recipes

Roasted Squash & Beetroot Wholegrain Cous Cous Salad

Any squash variety will work here, I’ve used Kuri and Crown Prince, but Butternut, Table or Delicia would also work well here. If you can’t find giant wholegrain cous cous you can use standard wholegrain cous cous which only require rehydrating in 110% boiling water. Serves 3 Ingredients Method Per serving: 434kcal/ 24g fat/ 7.7g saturated fat/ 34g carbohydrates/ 9.1g …

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Light Bites & Snacks Main Meals Recipes Sides

Spiced Butternut Squash & Lentil Soup

My friend doesn’t like thick soups, which is often the case when using curcubits. This, however, is a very thin soup, which still packs a punch. Each serving provides you with a third of your daily fibre requirements, making it a great meal choice on cold winter days. Serves 4 Ingredients Method Per serving: 302kcal/ 13g fat/ 2.0g saturated fat/ …

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Breakfast Light Bites & Snacks Recipes

Sourdough Blueberry Bagels

Blueberry sourdough bagels. Just a small amount of work and you will have the most delicious bagels – chewy crusts with a soft centre, filled with sweet and tangy blueberries which you know will do you good. If you can’t find freeze-dried blueberries you can leave these out. Most shop-bought dried blueberries are sweetened with fruit juice and therefore won’t …

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Light Bites & Snacks Main Meals Recipes Sides

Bulgar Wheat Salad with Chickpeas

Did you know that the average Brit spends £1000 buying lunch at work over the course of the year? This cost, coupled with the single-use packaging and missed opportunity for added nutrition is why I’ve teamed up with MyNutriWeb as part of Sustainable September to help you be more sustainable when it comes to lunch. It is estimated that 28% …

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